Sunday, March 2, 2014

Introduction Blog


I wanted to start this blog to help other independent artists share a little more about themselves and explain organizations that they support. In addition, I would like some of the non-profit organizations post blogs to provide information. Thus, this is for the title, What Are You Passionate About.

Matthew Reihl, an upcoming amazing author has graciously agreed to help me with this blog. He has been behind me for about a year now, and I have come to rely on his help. He is pretty amazing and I want to tell him thank you for putting up with me.

When talking to other independent artists, I have noticed many offer some of their proceeds to a cause they feel strongly about. It is interesting to learn about the different causes out there. I also found it amazing, how many artists truly do donate some of their proceeds to certain causes.

As a fairly new author, (I say new because I have been only doing this a couple of years and still learning the ropes), I will donate 20% of my proceeds to Royal Family Kids Camp and 10% to

Royal Family Kids Camp is a camp where foster kids can go to spend one week and receive one on one attention. They get to cut loose and be a normal kid. They are able to bond with camp counselors and other foster kids. is an organization here in Kansas, very local to me, that helps fight human trafficking here in the Midwest. She offers products on her website that help support her organization. What makes her products great, is that they are not made by children or slaves. Karre truly puts her heart and soul into this fight. She has provided a wealth of information about human trafficking, and it amazes me how naïve I was about it.

I feel each cause is very important.

I hope you enjoy the blogs. As this blog moves along, I will post more information about the causes I support. In addition, I will be setting up blogs specifically for foster care and the fight against human trafficking.

I hope you enjoy the blogs. LR Hatfield.


  1. Hi all. I'm the Matthew Riehl Lisa so flatteringly referred to as the up and coming best selling author. I might be climbing the Amazon bestsellers ranks but I have a lot to learn and a long way to go to reach my full potential. Hopefully, some day I will. The only person who can stop me is me.

    Anyway, it's not all about the writing or money for me. As I believe good will directly correlates with personal success (what goes around comes around), helping those less fortunate than us is important to me. I'm a proud supporter of Cornerstone, an awesome non-profit program for disabled veterans returning from the Middle East, and they need funding to keep the program running and thriving. Visit to learn more or make a donation. You can donate a certain dollar amount a month via a page on the website. I've visited their facility and witnessed the work they do; it was heartwarming to say the least. Even if it's just a dollar, the volunteers there will greatly appreciate it. I'm in no way financially tied to this organization. It just has a special place in my heart. To prove it, for every purchase of any of my books, twenty-five percent of the proceeds (from the royalties - approximately forty to fifty cents for every Kindle version and approximately one dollar and fifty cents for every trade paperback version) go directly to Cornerstone. In the words of Cornerstone's founder, Judy Beckett, "Show up, take a stand, make a difference...not because you should but because you can. It makes your Maker happy!" Whether you believe in a 'maker' or not, it makes the world a better place if we all 'Pay it forward.'

  2. Hi Lisa and Matt -

    Thanks for working on this blog! Well done. You did it. You put it together and for such an amazing cause. I will promote and cheer you on every chance I can get. Thanks for including me in the launch. Best to both of you! Michelle

    1. Thank you! Still learning some things so we can start having guest blogs. So excited about this!

  3. Hi Lisa*
    Just want to thank you in advance for taking the time to interview and promote my passions, esp. SAVE THE CHILDREN OF TIBET Project.
    I attempted to go to on Google Chrome and Explorer and it said to check address of url. Human Trafficking is an atrocious crime and it must be stopped!!!
    Blessings dear one, Cali ~ Illuminating the way

  4. Thank you Cali! I will look into it and get with Karre
