Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Featuring Michele Jennae and Sweet Nexus

I am so happy to finally be featuring my friend Michele Jennae. Sweet Nexus is such a wonderful group for connecting. Not just social media connection or contact, but personal contact. Michele has done a fantastic job of helping all of the women in this group reach out to one another.

Michele's Bio

Michele Jennae is the founder of SWEET Nexus, a Networking Group for Entrepreneurial Women. Ever since she was young the running theme in her life has been her ability to connect people, ideas, and opportunities. It took her a while to recognize this theme, however, and she drifted from job to job, and then business idea to business idea, until she formed SWEET Nexus six months ago.
“It’s relatively young as far as businesses go,” Michele Jennae says, “but the idea is really in slow and steady growth. One misconception of a network is that the power is in the numbers. SWEET Nexus is more about building relationships for a lifetime, and those relationships require an investment of energy and time.”

Michele Jennae encourages her members to join, not necessarily with the intention of making sales, although it most certainly can happen, but to focus on what she calls SWEET Serendipity.
“I am inspired by the idea of serendipity. SWEET Serendipity is all about allowing amazing things to happen in your life – that might otherwise seem coincidental – as a result of the relationships that you develop. You might find a business partner, a travel buddy, a cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on. You might also find that these relationships affect your family and other friends as well. You might get a lead for your husband’s work prospects, or a connection that gets your child into a good college.”

What you will most definitely find in SWEET Nexus is a group of friends. Supportive women who understand where you are at, because they are there too.

SWEET Nexus: Connecting People, Ideas, and Opportunities. Building Relationships for a Lifetime.
We are a membership based organization, with online and offline activities across the United States and into Canada. Benefits of membership include events, showcases, strategic connections, and MORE.




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