Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Being Thankful is Important

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this blog. I myself haven’t posted an actual blog as of yet and thought, maybe it’s time to do so.  In my profile I posted about being passionate about the fight against human trafficking and supporting foster care children, but I’m also passionate about many other things.

My first passion will always be my family. I love my children to the moon and back and then the passions I listed above. However, since I have started writing one of the things I have learned is, it is important to support your fellow artist. A year or a little more ago, I joined a group on facebook called Stooshpr. Since joining this group I have learned that people from all walks of life trying to make their mark in the world as an artist are not only in the business for themselves, but to lift each other up as well.

I remember right after I put out my first book, Adrian Born Under a Falling Star, and I really started promoting it, Yezall Strongheart, an erotica author contacted me and introduced me to a facebook group. From that group I met my good friend Allisia Wysong, who writes romance.  Who first book Traditionally Defiant Caraline, was a really good fast read.  A long the way Allisia and I have become good friends and help each other with our books.

In a sense, what I’m getting at is, I’m passionate about helping other independent artists to promote their work. I think it’s important to show support and receive support. I have received so much support from fellow independent artists, not just authors, but musicians, DJ’s, bloggers, ect, that it puts me in awe sometimes. Plus me being the selfish me, it makes me feel good to provide support to others.

So to say thank you for all of the support, kind words, retweets, reposts on facebook ect, I want to mention a few of the independent artists who have helped me along the way.

The wonderful members of the Stooshpr group

Allisia Wysong, author

Yezall Strongheart, author

Carlos Wilde, musician

James Leonard, cover artist

Joe Symes and the Loving Kind, musician

Author Jeff Joseph, author

Richard Ross, editor

Michelle Saint-Germain Weidenbbenner, author

Paula Rose Michelson, author

Sheyvette Dinkens, Women's Empowerment

Author Blakely Bennett, author

Ruby- Ruby’s Psychic Readings, Psychic

Michele Janae Battershell, author, career consultant, women's empowerment

Celeste Duckworth, Vertikal Magazine

Karre, www.karrelight.com- fight against human trafficking

These are just a few artists who have helped me along the way. These artists are very amazing. I want to thank my family and friends who have stood beside me through this journey.

So if you have an idea and you want to put it out there and are scared, find your support, or in my case, I fell into this great group of people for support. Don’t be afraid to show your work and what you are passionate about.

I am passionate about helping others and want to show my gratitude to those who have helped me along the way.

If you have something you are passionate about, let me feature you here.

1 comment:

  1. You're a STAR Lisa Hatfield. Thanks ever so much for the mention and the support you give me and my music. Truly appreciated
