Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Don't Give Up

I'm writing this blog because, the last few weeks I have thought about giving up. Giving my dream of being an author and blogger. I have felt frustrated and like a failure. I know others have felt the same way I have.

I'm not giving up though. Saturday night I was talking to my best friend's mom and letting her know I was working on formatting my next book correctly, but it is published on Kindle. I will say, yes many formatting problems I'm struggling with so I'm not promoting it. She went on to ask about Underground Evil. I told her it was still in the works. She yelled at me, yes yelled at me because she's been waiting. Wow, what a compliment! Yes from someone I know, but if the first book in the series was completely awful she would have let me know.

Still feeling a little discouraged, a co-worker and good friend asked how I got started with my idea and dream. At first I was caught off guard. She said to me, you're doing it, what can I do to get started? My first thought was, I'm really not doing it. Then I turned that thought around, yes I am doing it. I may not be where I want to be, but I'm getting there.

Here is the point I want to make. While working towards your goal, dream, or idea,  you are going to feel frustrated at times. You are going to feel like a failure. You are going to get down on yourself. It's ok. It's also ok to fail. Without failing you can't succeed. I know that's a cliché but it's very true.

Failure happens, but you can't fail without trying. You also can't succeed without failure. You have to fail to learn and move forward.

So here's to failing and learning from those failures and I raise my diet coke to toast you. Don't give up. Don't let fear stop you. Don't let frustration stop you. Follow your dreams and do it with love.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I need to read this! A great encouragement pick me up!!
