Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Featuring Tracey Edges

Tracey Edges is such an inspiration. I have admired her work and what she stands for. Read below to learn about Tracey. What an amazing, passionate person she is!
What am I passionate about?
LOTS of things but I enjoyed having to think about this and think what, out of all the things that I like, am I truly passionate about.
I am a Visual Artist and I paint – I am passionate about painting.
I write short stories and I am passionate about writing.
I have a radio programme and I am passionate about that.
I have tried to ditch one or two of the above but I can’t. I have to accept that I will never have enough hours in the day to do all things, prolifically, all of the time.
I know that now and that is fine – better than not having any of those passions in my life.
Strangely I can look back to my schooldays and see that I wanted to do all of the above, way back then.

I always wanted to write a book. I will do it. I know I will do it. It may only be one book or it may be a whole bookshelf worth. I just know that, to some degree that will happen. It must or I will burst.
I really enjoy writing short stories. I will write some more and put them together in an Anthology. That will probably be my first book. The toe in the water.
I have had a short story published in an anthology. A great one, with great writers (Off The Record – At The Movies). I am still so proud of that. I am also, rather sadly, proud that my story, Memento, has made people cry on every continent (well, maybe not the really cold one – unless any penguins know differently!)
I write constantly but mainly features for my radio show. I also have a column in a magazine, The Peoples, called “Girl About Town”.
I have a continuous story blog called PI GY, as I actually prefer to make people laugh than cry. It is a mixture of fact and fiction. I really enjoy writing that but it is on the back burner until I get my new house sorted out.

The new house is a bit of a disaster and I am not, as yet, passionate about it! Maybe when I get hot water coming out of the taps, a boiler that heats the house and a useable bathroom I may feel differently. I hope so!
PI GY has been recorded as a radio series and I do have plans to turn it into a novel, one day. You can find it here:
Start at “The Beginning” though as it should be read in order.
I always wanted to be an Artist and have exhibitions. The whole idea seemed massively exciting and unattainable – a different world. I have exhibited. I have had solo exhibitions locally and nationally. I am so proud of that. If I never have another one I will die happy. I did it. That’s amazing. I will have more though. I have so many different ideas, to add to the potential bursting, that I must. Artistic splatter only works in a Jackson Pollock context, not in a Tracey Edges bursting one!

I remember having a careers advice session at school and I said that I wanted to do something in radio or TV. I wasn’t looking for glamour or fame, I just found the whole concept interesting and exciting. My careers advisor recommended I went into accountancy or banking. I was useless at maths, those options sounded terribly boring to me and he got paid for that – unbelievable!

I have a weekly, 2 hour, Sunday morning radio show called, Sunday Girl on Siren FM 107.3 and I am very, very passionate about it. I love being able to play indie artists – there is some fantastic talent out there, whether on your own doorstep or the other side of the world. What I really love is talking to, and getting to know, Musicians, Authors and other great people from all over this great planet of ours. Now it is ridiculously easy to communicate, on a global basis, but I suppose I have always enjoyed that.

When I was in junior school I had about 15 pen-friends from Hong Kong, America, France, Iceland, Finland – all over. I used to love receiving their letters and would always be found writing back to them. If I wasn’t writing I would be found with my felt tips and a sketch pad or with my head in a book. I am an only child and was an avid reader before I even started school – you can never be lonely with a book – or a dog.

I am very passionate about my dogs. I have 3 old ladies and I can’t imagine life without any of them. Now 2 of them are 13 it can be a bit scary when they don’t want to wake up in the mornings and my heart is always sinking before springing back into action again for another day of walks and cuddles. The two older ones are rescues and my heart breaks to see so many unwanted and abused animals. The rescue centres do a fantastic job but they really shouldn’t need to be there.

I love dog walks on empty beaches, splashing in the edge of the tide, and the follow up cup of hot cocoa after a crisp, cold winter one. Poppies, lavender and other smelly plants like honeysuckle, jasmine and lilac, red geraniums in terracotta pots and the miracle of a vivid rainbow against a dark grey sky all make me pause and smile. A roaring wood-burner cheers up the most miserable of days add in a cosy blanket, snoring dogs, a good book and some great music playing in the background and I’m happy.

Now there’s an idea...
See you!
Links to contact Tracey Edges
Images for Tracey Edges



  1. Great stuff here! I love Tracey and everything she stands for. Thank you so much for featuring her. Keep up the great work, Tracey, and pet those dogs for me!

    Paul R. Hewlett

  2. Hi Tracey & I think we had the same career's advisor. Did he dress like an Edwardian butler and have an unfortunate body odour? I've bookmarked your writing blog, PI GY sounds intriguing.

    1. LOL - I think he was a bit smelly!
      I hope you enjoy PI G Y. They are mug of tea length :-)

  3. Amazing multitalented artist, and wonderful lady. We love Tracey and her dogs :-) xx
